Friday, May 14, 2010

How and when does one file for a Subpoena in a civil case?

One needn't file for one at all. In most courts, the clerk issues them in blank. The litigant fills it in and serves it on the witness.How and when does one file for a Subpoena in a civil case?
A Subpoena is, usually, a demand that a witness appear in court to give testimony. Subpoenas are not usually generated unless the proposed witness has shown a reluctance or refusal to provide testimony in a case. The Subpoena is prepared by a lawyer who wishes to question the witness, or ordered by a judge who feels that the testimony of that witness would be valuable in his/her decision.

A lawyer can also subpoena the production of witnesses, documents, and other tangible evidence prior to the court hearing, during the ';discovery'; phase of case preparation.

There are many kinds of subpoenas. The purpose of the subpoena determines which kind is prepared in any given situation.How and when does one file for a Subpoena in a civil case?
A person responding to a subpoena need not produce the sama electronically stored information more than one form

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